After a closed session to discuss personnel, Zebulon council members voted unanimously to request a GBI investigation into Zebulon Police Department issues at their Dec. 10 meeting.
“Based on the information we discussed, council can entertain a motion to request a GBI investigation into police department related issues,” said city attorney Rob Morton.
Another motion was made unanimously to authorize the mayor and city administrator to execute any documentation required to request the investigation.
Council members also made a motion to move forward with setting a date for the appeals hearings by former ZPD chief Jonathan Hemphill and Trustin Brazer. They agreed to hold the meetings at 3:30 p.m. for Hemphill and 4:30 p.m. for Brazer on Dec. 19.
In addition, council members unanimously approved to modify the city’s personnel policy to get approval for any rehires by the mayor and city council (for all city employees.)