Thank You Eureka!

Once again the people of the Eureka area have shown their generosity, and the shelves of our local food bank, the Flint Street Fellowship are filled. Both the younger Cub Scouts and older Scouts along with some helping hands from our local Rotary hit the streets, went door to door, house to house, driveway to driveway, and brought into the food bank bags and bags and bags of food. More than just food was brought in! The love and compassion of our town, shown by their generosity, went through the front door of the food bank. Something else went through those front doors; those scouts brought to the food bank their excitement, energy and their willingness to do something good for our town. All that excitement and energy is contagious, don’t you know!

The volunteers that man our local food bank, they are there day after day, serving the needy of our community, usually without much fanfare. Imagine the effect on them, the much needed shot in the arm, to be invaded by swarms of happy and excited little scouts hauling in carloads of food from a community that cares!

See what one bag from your front porch can do? You have helped the needy of our town, you have given the volunteers at the food bank the much needed help in their task, and though your generosity, you have given a large group of our young people that precious lesson about community service. Thank you for showing that you care.

See what one bag on the front porch can do?

— Bruce Bieschke Scouting for Food

The post Thank You Eureka! appeared first on Eureka Spring Times-Echo.


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