Scientists in Maine look to discover the mystery of the orange lobster

The University of New England will be investigating the mystery behind orange lobsters after an orange lobster was donated and gave birth to baby lobsters in the summer.

According to News Center Maine, 100 babies were hatched.

Their mother, Peaches, was donated to UNE after being caught by a fishing crew last year.

“They will stay orange, and when they grow up, they will be full-sized orange lobsters,” Profession Markus Frederich told News Center Maine said with a smile.

The professor and his students are working to figure out why these lobsters come in vibrant colors, which could be genetics to the food they eat.

UNE has received multiple colorful lobsters over the years and it could be more next year.

Ruby Motulsky, a marine sciences major, was awarded a $5,000-dollar grant to conduct the research this summer.

They are hoping to release the findings in 2025.


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