Ribbon cut for new Nativity scene

A new Nativity scene sits atop Oak Hill Cemetery. Contributors to the new scene include: Cassville Area Chamber of Commerce, First State Bank, Arning, the city of Cassville, Barry Electric Cooperative, Bill Shiveley and Williams and Sons Custom Construction and Design. Kyle Troutman/ktroutman@cassville-democrat.com

Morgan Williams, Cassville Area Chamber of Commerce director, thanked First State Bank, Arning, the city of Cassville, Barry Electric Cooperative, Bill Shiveley and Williams and Sons Custom Construction and Design for all the work put in to the new Nativity scene at Oak Hill Cemetery. Kyle Troutman/ ktroutman@ cassville-democrat. com

Randy Henderson, president of First State Bank, speaks at the First Friday Coffee on Friday, sponsored by the bank to recognize the new Nativity scene at Oak Hill Cemetery. Kyle Troutman/ktrout-man@ cassville-democrat.com

Contributors to building a new Nativity scene pose for a ribbon cutting in front of the newly installed scene at Oak Hill Cemetery in Cassville. Kyle Troutman/ktroutman@cassville- democrat.com

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