Python 3.14 is a rational constant

This (half-) month in Python and elsewhere: Get your feet wet with Pi-thon, er, Python 3.14, in its alpha 2 release! See how standalone Python app executables work with PyInstaller. Use Python’s pattern matching to unlock type-based decision-making superpowers. And Microsoft Azure has a brand-new, super-fast Python code sandboxing service.

Top picks for Python readers on InfoWorld

Python to C: What’s new in Cython 3.1
Type hinting for volatile and pointer types, and compatibility with Python’s free-threaded builds, are the big new attractions for the #1 Python-to-C library.

Azure Container Apps launches Python, JavaScript interpreters
Spin up Python (and JavaScript) apps faster than ever on Azure in custom code sandboxes. Or bring your own existing containerized code if you have it!

How to use PyInstaller to create Python executables
Redistributing Python apps as executables is tricky. PyInstaller makes it less tricky, but our walkthrough shows you all the techniques to use and traps to avoid.

How to use structural pattern matching in Python
The pattern-matching syntax introduced in Python 3.10 allows for powerful new programming techniques for decision-making in apps.

More good reads and Python updates elsewhere

Python 3.14 alpha 2 is out!
Try out the most bleeding-edge version of Python available, especially for the sake of features pushed forward from Python 3.13 like deferred evaluation of annotations.

NanoCube, an in-memory OLAP engine for DataFrames
See how this “minimalist … engine for lightning fast point queries on DataFrames” stacks up against DuckDB — and Polars, and Pandas, and Arrow, and SQLite.

Multipython: A Docker image with Python versions from 2.7 to 3.14
Get all your cross-version Python testing needs satisfied with a single docker pull.

Pyloid: A Python-centric alternative to Electron or Tauri
Build Python-based, cross-platform desktop apps powered on the front end by QtWebEngine and PySide6.


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