Oklahoma Master Irrigator Program set for January 22

Oklahoma State University is launching fifth edition of the Oklahoma Master Irrigator Program in Fort Cobb, OK from January 22nd, 2025.

The program is a 4 day classroom training covering basics of soil and plant water relationships, soil moisture sensors, irrigation scheduling models, irrigation infrastructure, soil fertility in irrigated crops and low water quality, and economics of irrigation.

The 2025 program is offered but not limited to producers, crop consultants, and farm managers. Each graduate of the program will be eligible for additional EQIP points from local NRCS offices, a $2,000 reimbursement on purchase of irrigation conservation technologies, and free of cost audits on well pumping efficiency and irrigation uniformity of center pivot systems.

The program space is limited to 25 people. More information on the program can be found at the attached flyer or by visiting the program website at https://extension.okstate.edu/programs/master-irrigator/. For questions, the interested parties are requested to Sumit Sharma at sumit.sharma@okstate.edu.

The post Oklahoma Master Irrigator Program set for January 22 appeared first on High Plains Journal.


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