New service center expected to shorten response times when the power goes out

NORTH JACKSON, Ohio (WKBN) – First Energy is working to lower restoration times in Mahoning County.

There is a new transmission service center in North Jackson. First Energy says it will serve as a central location for line workers, which will give them quicker access to equipment.

Crews say this helps them restore your power faster.

“Response time is a lot quicker because we are more centrally located. We are pretty quick to get to everywhere from here. In and out of the gate, it’s easy access onto the highway if we need to get somewhere. They have a nice, big garage area for all of our equipment that keeps it in and out of the weather,” said Steve Roth, transmission supervisor.

The equipment housed there is larger than what’s used to maintain power lines in your neighborhood. First Energy says it built this center with that in mind.


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