HSTA files step 2 grievance with DOE more than 500 teachers remain unpaid

HONOLULU (KHON2) — The Hawaii State Teachers Association has filed a Step Two Grievance with the Department of Education after hundreds of teachers went unpaid on Aug. 20.

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After a meeting with the DOE last week, the HSTA said 533 public and charter school teachers have yet to receive their payments, which is up from the 377 teachers that were initially reported.

100s of teachers still unpaid, lawmaker said ʻunacceptableʻ

Governor Josh Green M.D. shared that he will ensure all teachers get paid.

“Actually, a note that came into my email yesterday or the day before that shows they now have cleared up the dates that people will get their pay,” Green said.

“If any teacher is in desperate need, they should call me directly and I will make sure the head of the DOE gets them some kid of loan or advance right away. I don’t want anyone to suffer or struggle,” he added.

Governor Green said he is also working to get grants for teachers on Maui.


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