by Audrey Anderson
Hometown Weekly Reporter
The Great Plain Squares have been dancing regularly in Needham since 1973. Dancers love participating in the club to learn square dancing calls, get some exercise, and enjoy spending social time with a group of welcoming, friendly people.
On their season-opening “Fun Night” at Carter Methodist Church in Needham on Wednesday, September 11, people interested in learning to square dance came to try it out for free. If they liked it, or if anyone couldn’t make it to the first “Fun Night” of the year, they were welcomed to join the group on Wednesday, September 18 at 7 pm for another free night. After that, people who would like to dance regularly with the club can join for $10 per week.
On September 11, dancers learned several calls in a short amount of time, including a right-hand turn, left allemande, circle right, and do-si-do. They danced to the accompaniment of “Uptown Funk,” “Cabaret,” and a variety of other traditional and contemporary songs. The participants clearly had a great time, with smiles and laughter seen all around.
By the end of December, the new club members are considered beginner-level dancers and can attend club dances and dances at other clubs as beginner Modern American square dancers. As they continue to learn, they become more advanced, learning more complex calls.
On Friday, October 26, the Great Plain Squares will hold their annual Halloween dance. The lively evening will include a costume parade, prizes, and refreshments, as well as lots of dancing.
In January, the club will again hold two “Fun Nights” for people who would like to try out square dancing, and then another season of learning and dancing will be held from January to May. A Snowflake Ball is planned on January 25, a Tulip Twirl Dance on March 15, and an end-of-season dance on May 31.
On the group’s web site,, you can find information about local and regional square-dancing organizations, square dancing history, and a video introduction to the Great Plain Squares.
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