One teenager was found dead and one 11-year-old boy was found alive after a boat capsized in Bodega Bay on Saturday. Four people remain missing from the boat, which had gone out crab fishing on what was the first day of the recreational Dungeness crab season; two men are also missing from another boat that also capsized nearby. [Press Democrat]The rules around blocking users on Xitter have changed: People you’ve blocked will still be able to see your public posts now. The company said this was aimed at greater transparency, so that a blocked user can see if someone who blocked them is sharing private information about them online. [Associated Press]Planned power outages by PG&E that begin with the Red Flag Warning today in parts of Northern California are expected to impact around 20,000 customers. [Bay Area News Group]Canvassers were out in San Francisco Monday night still pushing for Prop K and Prop L, way down the ballot. [KPIX]The New York Times highlights eight counties in swing states that will be key to seeing how the election results are going this evening, including Chester and Montgomery counties in Pennsylvania. [New York Times]The Boys and Girls Club of Oakland was robbed last week, and thieves stole a bunch of computers and a video game system. [KTVU]A California voting data expert predicts that voter turnout in the state will be at or above 75% of registered voters — not as high as the 85% in 2020, but higher than in 2016. [Chronicle]The waters around the Farallon Islands are particularly sharky this time of year, and a whale-watching boat on Saturday got a good look at two great white sharks feasting on sea lions. [Chronicle]