CLASSIFIEDS – January 2, 2025

FOR SALE: Texas Holdem Game $35, Poker Table Topper $10, 2 Harley Helmets 1-$25 & 1-$10, Coke Collectable Item. Call 618-535-1215. 1.9.25

NO TRESPASSING or hunting allowed on the land in Batchtown owned by Marcy Klockenkemper, Judy Lamer, Jeremy Russell, Bonnie Stepanek and Cindy Mezzos. Violators will be prosecuted. 10.12.25

NO TRESPASSING – OR HUNTING on the land or properties according to plats at the Calhoun Courthouse in the Batchtown area owned by Robert Mitchell. Violators will be prosecuted. 11.6.25

NO TRESPASSING OR HUNTING: on land/properties owned/operated by Schulz

NO TRESPASSING OR HUNTING allowed on land in Bluffdale & Woodville Townships of Greene County owned by Robert Havelka and Darla Cutright. Violators will be prosecuted. 6.05.25

POSTED – ABSOLUTELY NO TRESPASSING of any kind on properties located in Greene and / or Jersey Counties owned by Joyce Steckel or Julia and Rick Davis. 4.25.25

NO TRESPASSING — or blocking easement driveway 632 N. Main St., Carrollton. No hunting, fishing or pleasure riding on the farm and properties owned by the Winsett family in Greene County, Illinois. 10.30.25

NO TRESPASSING – on land owned by Russell “Rip” Crotchett and Linda J. Crotchett. Property located on Crystal Lake Road West, Jersey County, IL. 11.13.25

NO TRESPASSING, hunting or fishing. On the land known as Hidden Lake Farms LLC. Owned by Albert and Kamila Chytil. Index numbers 06-028-005-00, 06-029-005-00,06-032-002-00 and 06-033-001-00. All on Powerline Rd. Grafton IL 62037. Violators will be subject to prosecution. 5.8.25

MAYFAIR FARMS, LLC. Kinderhook area land and the creeks and streams transiting it are all private property. Trespassing is forbidden. Violators will be prosecuted. 1.17.2

NO TRESPASSING or hunting of any kind on properties owned by Nick and Margaret Voke, Old Pearl, IL. Violators will be prosecuted. 4.10.25

NO TRESPASSING or hunting on our land. Robert & Carla Hill, Nebo, Ill. 10.2.25


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