【台風10号速報中】鹿児島県の薩摩川内市付近に上陸、九州で警戒 Source
【台風10号速報中】鹿児島県の薩摩川内市付近に上陸、九州で警戒 Source
ロシア、米WSJ記者ら92人を入国禁止 「ロシアのフェイク拡散」 Source
【台風10号速報中】鹿児島県薩摩川内市付近に上陸、九州各地で警戒 Source
「憲政の神様」の生き様を講談に いまの政治家に学んでほしい気概 Source
半導体人材を北海道で育てる秘策は? 北大・清水副学長に聞く Source
Spiro Skias is the founder and chief executive officer of Ink Digital Marketing Source
Indoor masking rules are being reintroduced by several hospitals in the United States due to a surge in respiratory illnesses, including COVID-19 and influenza, leading to increased cases and hospitalizations. Masking guidelines have been implemented in hospitals across six states, including California, Illinois, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Washington, and Wisconsin, as reported by ABC News. Mass … Devamını oku
After unsuccessfully lobbying to place a representative on the Democratic National Convention stage, where does the staunchly anti-Gaza war group go from here? Source
Courtesy of Marlene Bauer via Unsplash I am the type of person who loves to snack, especially when I study. Chewing just helps me concentrate. But, I recognize that constantly snacking may not have the best effects on my health. So, while shopping in Scotty’s Market, I revisited a familiar friend: chewing gum. Gum is … Devamını oku
I suppose it gives you plausible deniability in any libel , but I did get a kick out of you misspelling my name when you mentioned me as ” local, progressive, anti-all-things-Janet-and-Republican Claudette Kanola and your party leadership does nothing about it, that’s beyond the pale. ” For a publisher of a newspaper, you know … Devamını oku