Sotomayor confirmation is likely a sure thing

Cesar Perales was seated early, before the Senate hearing room filled up. He stayed, just a couple of rows back from Judge Sonia Sotomayor and her relatives, all the way through the hours of speechmaking that consumed the first day of her confirmation process for a seat on the nation’s highest court. Source

Readers' gardens

We asked readers to send in photos of their gardens, and they’ve been hard at work digging and sweating and, in many cases, draining their wallets. Here are the fruits of their labor. Source

'Heavy Rotation' edited by Peter Terzian

Former Newsday editor Peter Terzian’s two loves, literature and music, are married in a lovely ceremony of sorts — his new anthology, “Heavy Rotation: Twenty Writers on the Albums That Changed Their Lives” (Harper Perennial, $14.99 paper). It’s a marriage made in eclecticism — as the assembled contemporary authors explore everything from “Meet the Beatles!” … Devamını oku