At the regular October meeting of the Bluffs Village Board, Bryan Cannon of Benton & Associates was present to discuss a change order in the planned renovations of Lewis Park.
The renovation of Lewis Park is made possible by a $600,000 Open Space Land Acquisition and Development (OSLAD) grant from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR).
Bluffs was the only entity in Scott County to receive the grant which targeted economically distressed communities.
At the September Bluffs Village Board meeting, a bid from Trotter General Contracting, Inc. of $340,000 was accepted to perform the renovation of the park.
After the bid, the Village found that it had an amount of $181,000.00 left over from the OSLAD Grant to be used for additional improvements at Lewis Park.
In order to utilize the grant dollars for their intended use of improving Lewis Park, board members approved a change order that will:
a. Add new light bollards along the park’s walkway.
b. Replace wooden stage steps with concrete steps.
c. Relocate playground equipment so that it will not obscure the stage.
d. Remove concrete from behind Santa’s house.
e. Increase the size of shade structures for the park.
f. Landscape areas around the plaques and where flag poles go.
g. Remove and replace concrete that goes to the stage.
h. Install a new 50 Amp outlet.
i. Install a movie screen, projector, and sound system for the stage.
The additional work for the projects listed above made for a change order amount of $156,250 – leaving a contingency fund left over in the amount of $24,750.
The Village of Bluffs will be hosting a Halloween Costume Walk for the first time this year on Tuesday, Oct. 29, from 6-8 p.m. Sign-up for the event will take place at 5:30 p.m.
The Halloween Costume Walk route will start at Muntman Park, follow the sidewalk in front of the bank, continue through the bank parking lot, and return to Muntman Park. Spectators are encouraged to bring lawn chairs or stand in the bank parking lot to view the Costume Walk.
Prizes will be presented to costume winners for prettiest, scariest, most original, and best overall costumes. Costume groups will be babies up to four years, 5-8 year olds, 9-12 year olds, families/groups, and dogs.
The Bluffs Public Library will be hosting visitors for refreshments and bookmark making following the Costume Walk. Gift bags and door prizes will be given out until 8 p.m.
A flier about the Halloween Costume Walk will be sent out to community members with water bills. Bluffs will still have regular halloween trick or treating.
During the Mayor’s Report, Bluffs Village President Linda Sapp reported that the Village’s auditor Craig Myers of Beardstown had finally completed the 2022-2023 audit. Sapp indicated that Myers would return to Bluffs with his staff in December to start on the 2023-2024 Village audit.