NORTH LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – After heavy snowfall comes the potential of seeing more potholes.
This is something people in North Little Rock said they hate dealing with, like Becky Ragsdale who’s been living in Argenta for 18 years.
“I’ve had to replace my tires,” Ragsdale said.
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Becky Ragsdale said potholes can sometimes be unavoidable and so is the need for new tires.
“I had two that kept going flat from the pothole, or several potholes” Ragsdale said.
She said she’s had to replace four tires in the last two years and is hoping that things will be different.
Meanwhile North Little rock mayor Terry Hartwick said the aftermath is something he was prepared for.
“Every time it gets cold, that water goes through crack and after that the ice swells and busts the crack open and that’s what causes potholes,” Hartwick said.
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Hartwick said he knew it would be a problem and has a plan in action.
“I’ve got a Patrick Lane. They thought I was talking about a machine; no, I’m talking about a person that oversees our city that takes care of the salting, the cleaning and the potholes” Hartwick said.
And thanks to mayor Hartwick’s proactiveness, people like Ragsdale are a bit relieved.
“That makes me feel great. I’m really happy to hear that because it really needs to be addressed because it causes damage and who can afford that right now?” Ragsdale said.