Ohio Department of Transportation prepares for snowfall over the weekend

(WKBN) — The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) has crews on the ground, ready to combat poor road conditions predicted this weekend.

Justin Chesnic with ODOT District 4 says they already have crews out and about. They started at noon Friday.

They don’t need to pre-treat due to all the residual salt on the road but the crews are on standby.

“We’ll have about 40 to 45 of those crews out between Mahoning and Trumbull County, roughly 19 to 20 in Mahoning County and about 22 to 25 in Trumbull County. They’ll be out all evening kind of plowing and treating as the snow starts falling,” Chesnic said.

Despite the additional snowfall compared to last winter, Chesnic adds ODOT has plenty of salt and calcium chloride to see us through the snowy season.

“We have, you know, tools in the toolbox there that we can use when those temperatures get below 20 degrees and that’ll work, you know, well below zero,” he said.



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