Diamonds to arena staff for quick thinking

Diamonds to Steve Poremba and ASM Global for some quick thinking and, dare we say it, for keeping cool heads in dealing with a problem literally existential to the next scheduled event. Disney On Ice was about to be frozen out of the facility when a problem with the in-house ice maker emerged, and cracking the case required the removal of the system. But Poremba and company firmed up the show by bringing in Feld Entertainment to install a temporary ice rink, and unless something went wrong, the “Let’s Dance!” show is going on through Sunday at the Mohegan Arena at Casey Plaza.

Coal to the 245 people State Police arrested for driving under the influence from Dec. 31 to Jan. 2. In the age of Uber and Lyft, at a time when the dangers of driving after even one drink are very well known, there is simply no excuse for anyone to decide it is okay to “drink and drive.” Impairment really does begin with the first drink, so please make the simple choice before the first sip. Either arrange for someone sober to take you where you need to go, or skip the booze altogether.

Diamonds to the Luzerne County government study commission members for overwhelmingly agreeing that whatever changes they might recommend to the home rule charter, altering the status of the county manager isn’t one of them. The existing charter made the management position an appointed one, filled by the elected county council. It was the right choice because it increased the odds of having an experienced professional in the vital job while still giving voters an indirect say. An appointed manager also can be removed without waiting until the next election. The system has been imperfect, but we would argue that when it works, it works very well. The manager can focus on doing the work without worrying about raising campaign money or being swayed by political winds.

Coal to the Shickshinny man arraigned Tuesday on allegations he started a pursuit with Pennsylvania State Police after failing to obey a traffic stop by a trooper who noticed the car had a stolen license plate. Court records say the driver crossed into oncoming traffic, and nearly struck nine hunters during the chase. Aside from our usual lamentation about endangering others when you opt to defy police and attempt to race away rather than comply, this case is doubly frustrating because it was the man’s second pursuit case since September, 2024. Please, just pull over and deal with it.

Diamonds to the new firefighters and EMTs sworn in by Wilkes-Barre Mayor George Brown, and to all those who train for and fill such vital positions. The Wilkes-Barre FD, in particular, has been on the job since 1807, as Chief Jay Delaney noted during the swearing in. That’s two centuries of dedication to others, a commitment always worth praising.



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