Warren holds first night court session

WARREN, Ohio (WKBN) — Warren Municipal Court opened up its doors for the first session of night court Tuesday.

It will be a weekly session with alternating courtrooms to allow people with other obligations a better chance to have their case heard.

Judge Patty Knepp presided over the first session of night court in Warren’s Municipal Court. There was only one case on the docket.

It’s been something Judge Knepp has wanted to see happen since last year.

“You have people that work day turn, you have people that work afternoon shift, you have people that work midnights, you have people that just don’t have days off. I looked at that time frame and this way we can accommodate their schedule just by extending another session for night court,” Knepp said.

“Somebody could have a case against them and if they don’t appear for court, they could get a capias for their arrest. Nobody wants to have to go to jail,” said Knepp.

Night court will be held Tuesdays from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Each month it alternates between Judge Knepp’s and Judge Natasha Natale’s court.

To start, they aren’t opening up the court to everything.

“We are starting it with our contested cases, which may be your pretrials, your second pretrials, you’re status conferences, suppression hearings, preliminary matters,” Knepp said.

The plan is to only have those types of appearances for 6 months before they open court up more.

Warren’s Municipal Court works with five different law enforcement agencies covering Warren City, Warren Township, Howland and Champion.

Judge Knepp says this type of court is very important for the public.

“If somebody can’t take time off or can’t get away or live paycheck to paycheck or have other obligations, how else do they address their grievances or their matters? They have to go to court. It’s that important to me,” she said.



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