One of the most notable things about the first week of this sitting of the legislature was the noise. Even from my privileged perch in the press gallery, you can’t hear a thing most of the time. The politicians are debating and shouting back and forth. But unless you are watching it on television, you miss most of what is being said.
The reason is simple. The Liberals have struck a nerve with their persistent attacks on what they call “Cable-Gate.” Premier Danny Williams doesn’t like it when his family and friends are dragged into political debate. And the Liberals have made this issue all about Williams’ friendships with Dean MacDonald and Ken Marshall.
The personal tone of the questioning has raised the temperature on the legislature floor. In one spat, Williams threatened to “sue the ass off” of Opposition leader Gerry Reid. Reid and Williams are always jawing at each other across the floor. Bellevue MHA Percy Barrett is also constantly tormenting Williams. During the civil service strike a few years ago, Barrett spent nearly every question period “mooing” at the premier. It was a not-so-subtle reference to Williams’ now infamous threat to keep NAPE and CUPE on the streets until “the cows come home.”
But it isn’t just the Liberals. If you are in the public gallery, watch the group of Conservative MHAs who sit the farthest away from the speaker. Transportation Minister John Hickey is by far the loudest and most boisterous heckler on the government side. But he is simply the ringleader for a group of Tory backbenchers the Liberals like to call the Bleacher Creatures.
And if you do make it to the public gallery, watch the two members of the NDP caucus. While the Liberals and Conservatives bray insults and jeers across the floor, Lorraine Michael and Randy Collins patiently wait for their turn to speak and ask questions. It is almost as if they are there to have a meaningful discussion on issues and public policy problems, while conducting themselves in a professional manner. And that is one thing you can notice amidst all the chaos.